Large Print
Not only does our library have our own great collection of Large Print , we also participate in a Large Print Rotation. This is a service offered through Public Library Services in which they send us a shipment of Larfge Print every four months. At the end of the four nomths they are returned and exchanged for another block.
This offers us avid readers a constat supply of a variety of reading material.
eLibraries Manitoba:
An ever growing selection of Audio Books and eBooks to download right at home. Please call any time if you require help setting up.
- Install free software from the website
- Check out the title with your library patron number
- Download titles to your computer
- Enjoy titles on you computer, burn to a disc or transfer to a protable device.
Interlibrary Loans:
We have three services to choose from for interlibrary loans.
Browse the catalogue if you see something you like email me at be sure to include the title and the Call Number.
2. Manitoba Education Instructional Resources Unit
You can browse the catalogue and email me – – the titles as well as the Call Numbers to titles you are interested in, or you can contact Manitoba ed. and create you own account.
Ask your Public Librarian for a user name and password. Here you can browse for titles from many participating libraries throughout Manitoba. Select titles you are interested in and fill out an online request form (be sure to include your name and phone number). All requests and materials are sent to the Snow Lake Community Library. We will call you when they arrive.