Reference Links
World Book Online : is an online subscription to the World Book Encyclopedia. Please see Mrs. Sass or Mrs. Bennett for your Log-in ID and password.
EbscoHost: For free access to thousands of magazine articles, Academic journal articles, Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. Now has a new easy to use search database for children. Must see Mrs. Sass or Mrs. Bennett for your User ID and Password.
Son of Citation Machine: Use to properly credit those whose information you use. You can select either the APA or the MLA formats and you can choose the kind of print you are creating a citation for (website, magazine article, newspaper article, book). The citation machine asks for the needed information and then puts it together for you in the format you chose. Simply copy and paste the finished product.
National Network for Equitable Library Service:
Books in accessible formats for Canadians with print disabilities: produced by request, delivered by public libraries, and available across the country.
National Network for Equitable Library Services